Loophouse has become renowned For providing innovative rug and carpet design SOLUTIONS to interior designers and architects as well as private clients GLOBALLY, attracting COMMISSIONS from many HOUSEHOLD NAMES.

Founded in 1992 by Lorraine Statham, Loophouse is 30+ YEARs old! Setting up a studio in London over 25 years ago seems like yesterday. Working with arCHITECTS AND INTERIOR DESIGNERS on custom made rugs for FABULOUS SPACES has taken the business further than expected.
One of the first commissions for Loophouse included a lARGE TRYPYTIC ART-WORK work commission for a world-wide, powerhouse food brand. Launching collections for both the UK and USA brought a wealth of business knowledge, travel and CrEATIVE EXPERIENCES.
Working with designers and architects, Loophouse collections featured at the inTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE FAIR in New York in1998 which expanded USA distribution, while in 2002 was awarded the Small Business Bureau’s “WOMEN INTO BUSINESS” prize at the HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. Loophouse products have been seen in prestigious places such as THE GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM in Venice and New York, celebrity residences, the luxurious GRove Hotel and the iconic MARYLEBONE TOWN HALL.

A WEALTH OF EXPERIENCE, training and experimentation combined with HIGH-END PRODUCTION techniques have created unique BESPOKE MADE RUGS for exceptional interior projects. loophouse can SKETCH AND TEASE OUT A DESIGN that is truly unique to the needs of any PROJECT and specific brief. Throughout the transitions of TRENDS AND STYLE, we hold strong to our roots and PERSPECTIVE ON DESIGN, maintaining and developing TOP QUALITY luxurious rugs and carpets.
Having operated her studio in London for over 20 years, Lorraine now runs her DESIGN STUDIO from the Peak District in Derbyshire. LOOPHOUSE continues to offer bespoke made RUGS primarily to architects and interior designers, WORLDWIDE.